On the top of the 8th group,
one can see the Temple of Memory opened;
several Geniuses are quick to attach Medallions to the memory of Great Men;
Next, Apollo rises on a Cloud with the Genius of Fine arts.
The Muses are below, they would undertake to execute the Concert ordered by Apollo;
in the angle close to the Muses, History exhorts Painting to immortalize like she does, the Heroes and their great Actions.
9th Group.
On the left and above the Muses, appears the Constellation de Castor and Pollux.
In the half tint, Silenus with a troupe of Fauns and Infants, form a Bacchic Feast.
The Cartels, whose the middles of the corniche are displayed with, represent the work of Hercules;
In the first, above the Chimney, one sees on one side Cerberus with his three heads, and on the other the skin of Lion of the Nemea Forest, with the mace, etc.