François VIDIT
guide-interpreter of Paris
François, as given name, is pronunced: [fʁɑ̃.swɑ]
VIDIT, here family name, is pronunced: [vidi]
François VIDIT is japanese guide-interpreter in Paris. For more than , he is receiving work under various forms, from touristical guiding, intercultural councelling, consecutive interpretation, to translation.
A Parisian that has connected in Tōkiō
Like his parents, He is parisian.
He has discovered japanese culture with the go game and He started to learn its language as an autodidact, aged of seventeen.
After his degree at the National Architecture School of Paris-La Villette, He left to Japan.
He joined a company of conception and realisation of commercial networks for luxury brands in the largest japanese cities in the prestigious area of Aoyama in Tōkiō.
On return to France, He changed profession and became guide-interpreter.
to guide, it's to share !
It's to confront to different faces, experience the solemn character of encounter, to find oneself out of habits, and by there feel in oneself a new humanity coming forward, intimately and misteriously.
From there, to be lucky to find oneself ceaselessly rid of number of prejudices, ceaselessly more universal to the encounter of humanity and world.

Professional cursus
- : Obtention of the Certificate of Japanese-Language Proficency Test Level 3 of the Association of International Education, Japan
- : Admitted to the 8th Business Japanese Proficency Test JLRT JETRO
- : Obtention of the title of Guide-Conférencier at the Toulouse-Jean Jaurès University
pratical informations
other spo
guiding area: