Iris and Morpheus
at the Grand Trianon

and instantly, that sacred cavern of the god of Sleep was all illuminated with the glow and splendor of her garment, The Metamorphoses, Book XI, verse 616.
In the Salon de Famille de Louis-Philippe of the Grand Trianon in Versailles a painting from René-Antoine Houasse, Morpheus awakening as Iris draws near (also Iris and Morpheus) can be seen.
Based on a part of Book XI of The Metamorphoses written by Ovid, it represents the particular moment when Iris, messager of Juno enters the cave of the Sleep to order to him to make Alcynoe dream.
Iris according to text of Book XI of The Metamorphoses
- but Juno could not long accept as hers
- these supplications on behalf of one
- then dead; and that she might persuade Halcyone
- to turn her death-polluted hands away
from hallowed altars, Juno said in haste,
“O, Iris, best of all my messengers,
go quickly to the dreadful court of Sleep,
and in my name command him to despatch
a dream in the shape of Ceyx, who is dead,
and tell Halcyone the woeful truth.”
- So she commanded.—Iris instantly
- assumed a garment of a thousand tints;
- and as she marked the high skies with her arch,
- went swiftly thence as ordered, to the place
- where Sleep was then concealed beneath a rock.
- Near the Cimmerian Land there is a cave,
- with a long entrance, in a hallowed mountain,
- the home of slothful Sleep. To that dark cave
- the Sun, when rising or in middle skies,
- or setting, never can approach with light.
- There dense fogs, mingled with the dark, exhale
- darkness from the black soil—and all that place
- is shadowed in a deep mysterious gloom.
- No wakeful bird with visage crested high
- calls forth the morning's beauty in clear notes;
- nor do the watchful dogs, more watchful geese,
- nor wild beasts, cattle, nor the waving trees,
- make sound or whisper; and the human voice
- is never heard there—silent Rest is there.
- But, from the bottom of a rock beneath,
- Lethean waters of a stream ooze forth,
- sounds of a rivulet, which trickle with
- soft murmuring amid the pebbles and
- invite soft sleep. Before the cavern doors
- most fertile poppies and a wealth of herbs
- bloom in abundance, from the juice of which
- the humid night-hours gather sleep and spread
- it over darkened Earth. No door is in
- that cavern-home and not a hinge's noise
- nor guarding porter's voice disturbs the calm.
- But in the middle is a resting-couch,
- raised high on night-black ebony and soft
- with feathered cushions, all jet black, concealed
- by a rich coverlet as dark as night,
- on which the god of sleep, dissolved in sloth
- lies with unmoving limbs. Around him there
- in all directions, unsubstantial dreams
- recline in imitation of all shapes—
- as many as the uncounted ears of corn
- at harvest—as the myriad leaves of trees—
- or tiny sand grains spread upon the shore.
- As soon as Iris entered that dread gloom,
- she pushed aside the visions in her way
- with her fair glowing hands; and instantly,
- that sacred cavern of the god of Sleep
- was all illuminated with the glow
- and splendor of her garment.—Out of himself
- the god with difficulty lifted up
- his lanquid eyes. From this small sign of life
- relapsing many times to languid sloth,
- while nodding, with his chin he struck his breast
- again and again. At last he roused himself
- from gloom and slumber; and, while raised upon
- his elbow, he enquired of Iris why
- she came to him.—He knew her by her name.
- She answered him,
“O, Sleep, divine repose
of all things! Gentlest of the deities!
Peace to the troubled mind, from which you drive
the cares of life, restorer of men's strength
when wearied with the toils of day, command
a vision that shall seem the actual form
of royal Ceyx to visit Trachin famed
for Hercules and tell Halcyone
his death by shipwreck. It is Juno's wish.”
- Iris departed after this was said.
- For she no longer could endure the effect
- of slumber-vapor; and as soon as she
- knew sleep was creeping over her tired limbs
- she flew from there—and she departed by
- the rainbow, over which she came before.